Canadian scientists have a “bright” opportunity in Antarctica to know more about climate change

At the bottom of the world, there are dozens of fars in the middle of an active volcano, in the wet snow. They are Mainly cruel by their two-level guests.

They lie around them exercise iron tanks and wooden boats from the early 20th century culture, so they are accumulated by the Black Sand Beach. Traces of Chilean and British foundations appear as humble.

Whales Bay of deception on the surface is still the biggest result of humanity in Antarctica, beyond its 80 or more research stations.

But the climate scientist can say in a different way.

Studies on this fragile continent show how the temperature, glaciers, oceans and wildlife react to the effects of heating fuel emissions. This remote and insulated place makes the perfect laboratory past, the present and the future according to many antabilities.

Sinking is viewed on Antarctic Island.
Was the most up-to-date eruption of the island of deception in 1970. Currently, tourists and scientists visit the remains of whales bay settlements. (ILL English / CBC)

It is a study of cases with high stakes, says Canadian Canadian Scientist Thomas James, who is a leader in the region.

“What happens in Antarctica does not stay here,” he said, while recently walking on the beach on Walers Bay, as scientists gathered samples from sand and air.

Climate shifts from Ripple are beyond Antarctica

It is clear that climate change does not accept the political boundaries. But James explains that the ice and cold oceans of Antarctica play a big role in resolving our climate.

Just this month, Researchers were found Which Antarctica glaciers melting freshwater melting to the Southern Ocean Water Chemistry? They predict that the changed salt will slow down the vital importance of antabtical viability by 20%. The strongest current of the country, the impact of which is the Atlantic, thermal and nutrients around the world.

The current one protects the ice sheets of Antarctica, large masses of ground ice, from hot north waters, preventing the level of sea level.

“We know that the Antarctic ice newspaper is potentially unstable and can provide a greater amount of sea level than these models forecasted,” said James. “It's a huge fresh water reservoir.”

Navigation of a ship through Antarctica.
HMCS Margaret Brooke regrets the Adelaide Island Rothera Point on the Antarctic Peninsula. (ILL English / CBC)

He studied Antarctica for more than 30 years, but his field work was mainly in the North Polar region. This is only the second time of Jamesda in Antarctica.

“We think that by understanding the Antarctic ice newspaper and the consequences of the sea level are very important for Canadians.”

It's not just ice sheets that melt. Sea ice (frozen seawater) has in poles reached a record low Three months in a row.

“The fact that we now see the reduction in the ice of Antarctic Sea is really many, many pointers that have a global climate change,” said James. “It happens on all sides of the environment, and in many cases it seems to speed up.”

The stranger team contributes to climate science

James 15 scientists team, many of them strangers before this expedition. Many subjects of cross science. They study not only the ice sheet, but glacial melt, the ocean floor, polluting materials such as micro-fields and sea water.

On a ship on the ship, standing next to whom, looking at the water.
The thick cable throws the bottle collection to the ocean to collect water in different, pre-election depths. (ILL English / CBC)

They are supported by the Royal Fleet of Canada, which passes wine, cranes and boats, to help scientists gather a mass of samples of South Shetland on the outskirts of the Antarctic Peninsula.

It is part of most RCN Anticipation of actionStrengthening alliances with South America, strengthening alliances with other southern Armenian Navy in the South Polar region.

The militants can only enter Antarctica borders if they support scientific research, a rule set forth in an antabtical agreement that governs the continent.

The Arctic and Offshore Patrol ship will only include a small part of the continent in more than four weeks of Chilean, but the work of travel and science is making a lot of effort.

From the early morning of the Zodiac Boats, the scale of the sorceral crane, Winch and Boom and Boom, the scientific team in Halifax, puts a long time.

A bunch that wears Black Canada's shirts in the photo.
Canadian scientists make a group photo when Chilean base is visited by President Eduardo Frait Montala Chile base in Antarctica. (ILL English / CBC)

Brent ELSE is one of the scientists here to study the chemical properties of the ocean.

“It turns out that the oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,” said the University of Calgary. “If you look at once, since the industrialization, they probably took about 40 percent of the emissions that people put from an atmosphere.

Due to its cold temperature, the southern ocean has ability to be deep carbon depths and to keep it out of the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

“It is really important to understand what is happening in the polar oceans, especially since they change the fastest,” said someone else. “Thus, in an area like Antarctica, because we start to melt more ice sheets, it will put more fresh water in the southern ocean. And it can affect how all these things interact. “

Watch | This Antarctic Island shows the further climate change.

Antarctic Island can testify on the next century climate

On Antarctica's deception island, Canadian scientists are studying the ties to melt the ice sheets and the global levels of the sea, saying what happens in Antarctica.

That is why the interpretant approach of this expedition is so profitable.

“Most science, in its nature, is extra. And what we do is add that knowledge body, “said James.

During the coming weeks and months, the team will return thousands of samples analysis. Many of them will go back to other researchers in Canada.

Speaking about the basic expedition, James said: “It feels significant.”

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