Serbian officials, police deny Sonic weapons against anti-government protesters

Serbian officials rejected the country's security forces to have a military-class Sonic weapons to scatter and fear the demonstrators at a huge anti-government rally.

Opposition officials and protection of Serb rights claim that a widely prohibited voice weapon that emits a targeted ray to temporarily unconsciously ignores the protest. They say that they will accuse the European Court of Human Rights and the Association of Homeland Assess.

Serbia did not deny that it has an acoustic device in its arsenal.

At least 100,000 people came to a rally in Belgrade on Saturday, which was seen as a top prestigious protesters in the Serbian President Alexandar Vukik and his government.

The rally was a popular anti-corruption movement, which broke out after the concrete canopy collapsed at the railway station in northern Serbia in November. Killing 15 people.

Some of the air shows that thousands of people participate in the city street street.
Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters are gathering in front of the Serbian parliament in Belgrade on Saturday. (Marko Drobnjakovic / Associated Press)

Almost everyday demonstrations that began in response to the tragedy, shocking the government's strongly tightly, where many accused the prosperous government of corruption, negligence and disrespect, demanding a report, demanding the victims.

Shoots from a resort show that 15 minutes of silence are in silence for 15 minutes of silence for the disaster of the train station.

At the scene, the associate press photographer said that people began to scrap to cover, leaving the middle of the city near the city, because they began to fall into each other.

Weapons are felt sharp pain, mislead and panic, say military experts. Extended exposure can cause ears of ear decay and irreversible hearing damage.

A riot police line appears through broken glass.
A piece of anti-corruption police is observed during the anti-government rally in Belgrade on Saturday. (Armin Durgut / Assosheitis)

Belgrade, a non-governmental organization of security policy, “illegal and inhuman deployment of banned weapons, such as sound devices against peaceful protesters.”

“This act represents a rough manifestation of power and attempting to motivate the chaos, aiming to divert protests and criminalize peaceful citizens.

The Serbian police and the Ministry of Defense denied that the illegal weapon was used.

The Serbian President urged the judiciary to answer the judicial authorities that Sonic Cannons was used during protests. “

“I ask the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor's Office to respond or pursue those who used it, and we know that they did not check,” said Wukich. “Let them be proceedings, but then they must also pursue those who have published such a notorious lie.”

The Urgent Hospital Belgrade has denied reports that many people have asked for assistance after the incident and urged them to “know us”.

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