The Pope works on signature reforms from the hospital, as the recovery of pneumonia continues

Pope Francis entered The fifth week of hospital treatment for double pneumonia Looking very much on Saturday when he continued his work on his grandfather's signature, and his recovery signs remained on a positive trajectory.

After working from Gemely Hospital, Francis has confirmed a three-month process of implementing and evaluating its reform project, which aims to welcome the Church to a responsible place. The collection of the Vatican office or the bishops for Synod has released the schedule for the reforms, and Francis confirmed the calendar last week.

The Vatican announced on Friday that it would be less frequent medical updates on the Pope, which calls for positive development. It also stopped taking a short-lived counsel that the Pope slept well and started his day.

Doctors say that the 88-year-old Hongf is no longer critical, in dangerous life, but continued to emphasize that his condition was difficult because of the young man's lack of mobility.

There has been a mass in St. Peter's basilica on Friday Pope Francis Since the second point of the 88-year-old point this week was mentioned. His 12th birthday was a patriarch and a one-month sign Hospital has been hospitalizedA number

Francis was taken to hospital on February 14 after the fight of the bronchitis, which made it difficult for him to speak. Doctors soon diagnosed with double pneumonia and polymicob (bacterial, viral and fungal) infection.

The first three weeks of his hospitalization were marked by rolling rolls, including respiratory crises, mild kidney failure and a strong cough fit.

But this week medical updates focused on his continued physical and respiratory therapy, as well as spinning oxygen through nostral pipes during the day and a non-invasive ventilation mask for the night. This week X-ray confirmed that the infection was cleaned.

A little more about the report, doctors have been canceled on Friday, a planned medical update. Next is likely to be released later on Saturday. Doctors did not specify how long Francis will be hospitalized.

The Pope took part in the hospital on spiritual exercises this week, who say the Vatican officials, presuppose a lighter burden.

The only public sign of life from the Pope, because his hospitalization has been Recorded audio message Thanking people for their prayers for a weak and hardworking voice. It played in St. Peter Square, loyal to the “Night Recitation of Rosar's Prayer.”

The traditional blessing for the last four Sundays, the Pope is delivered from the window of St. Peter Square, has been published as a text.

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