Sean (Dedi) combs are not guilty of a new indictment on working conditions

Sean (Didy) blamed the coms on Friday in the non-indictment, which increased the hip-hop Mogul's workers to work long hours.

55, 55-year-old, in the trial of Mardadan, entered the lawsuit of Judge Arun Subramanyan. The trial remains scheduled for May 5.

With several members of his family who looked at the courtroom, the comb of sports gray hairs, gray beard and jacket, and the roof vegetable gear are moved to the courtroom.

In the past, the combs of combusts have not been found guilty of prostitution. Although the new indictment has not increased a new accusation, it described the prosecutors called “forced labor”, which demands to comb with a 20-year-old retail conspiracy.

It says that combs and his colleagues “control” some employees, forcing them to work for long hours, physical strength, financial losses or threats to use psychological damage.

Combs's Defense Perver, Marc Agnifilo said that his client has never made anyone to do sex against their will.

Comes face face dozens of civil lawsuits

Prosecutors say the prosecutors' offices are used by Manhattan's comments, including his record label, and sexual abuse from 2004 to 2024.

Women in the presumed abuse of the camp, women are participating in the recorded sexual performances, “Freak-offs” with male representatives, which sometimes moved to state lines.

Agetrilo said that Freak-offs were mutually agreed.

Comb also opposes dozens of civilian trials for women and men who accuse him of sexual harassment and other misconduct. He denied all the mistakes.

On Friday, the hearing will also discuss the choice of the jury, including the possible difficulty of finding an impartial jury, which is covered by the reputation of the combination of the problems of its criminal case.

At the court hearing on Fridays, Subchargyan said that future lawyers will start filling the questionnaires on April 28. The interrogation of lawyers will start on May 5, the judge stated.

They create a creative creation September September September September

The coms are known for the power of star production

He is also known for his career as Proch Dad and P. Didi, the combs founded Boy Boy Records and trusted how the stars, infamous large and use songs in the 1990s.

His career was deviated because federal agents attacked his Los Angeles and Miami beach, Fla in early 2024 as part of the investigation of sex trafficking.

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