According to the police, the Indian Combi Mela Hindu-Festival leaves at least 30 people, say police say

Degryraj, India – At least 30 people killed at least 30 people in the world's largest religious assembly in India on Wednesday, and more wounded, the surgical mob.

Deadly crowd incidents are frequent Indian religious festivals occurIncluding Camp Mela, who attracts millions of devotes every 12 years.

When the pilgrims were hurried to participate in the Holy Day of the River Bath, the people of sleep near the ground and sitting on the huge swellings of devoted devices in the dark.

“The whole crowd fell on top of me, you are trampling me, because he moved forward,” said 48-year-old pilgrim Renu Di. “When the crowd reached, older people and women were crushed, and no one was helped.”

India-Komb-Mela -2025-Stampede.jpg
The rescue staff was injured in the conditions of the Maha Kumbh Mela Festival in Dray, India.

Male Painting / AFP / Getty:

The rescue squads carrying victims from the scene of the accident have been weaved through heaps of clothes, shoes and other neglected things. They saw that the police suffer the bodies of the injured, which are drilled with thick blankets.

“Unfortunately, the thirty devotees have died,” said high-ranking police station Viola Krishna at the festival. “Ninety offended was taken to hospital.”

Krishna's briefing came around 18 hours after the historian and the first official death of the authorities.

The celebrations were otherwise allowed to continue almost as normal, during which millions of people still travel to the banks of the river in the water.

Prime Minister Naryidra Modi is “extremely sad”, he offered his “deep condolences” to the relatives of the victims, adding his desires. ”

Dozens of relatives were worried about the news that came out of a large tent that served as a target hospital for the disaster.

Six weeks Mela is the only biggest major point of Hindu religious calendar. On Wednesday, he marks one of the most sacred days of the festival, when the saffron-dressed holy men take millions in the bathroom gangs and the jamuna rivers with a robbery level in the solar system.

Kumbi Mela Festival continues
The devotees gather near Sanga in the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and the Myamuni and Mythological Rivers, dying on the eve of Male Mela Hindhu's religious festival, 2025. , In Allahabad of India.


Officials tried to distract crowds away from disaster, instructing them to bathe in other places.

“We humbly ask all the devotees do not come to the main floating place,” said one of the festival's voice through his Megafon.

“Please cooperate with security guards.”

But even as a lamp spread, the crowd pushed the river to move to the river, aggressive orders to leave the police.

Officials from the State Government of Uttar Pradesh, who are responsible for staging the festival, said millions of people participated in the ritual bath.

Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandh has accused the disaster about the control of the crowd, which prioritized the comfort of honored visitors.

“Incorrect management of the Vip movement and the special management focus is responsible for this tragic incident instead of the general devotees,” he wrote in social media.

Railway Police President Ashtabua Sing told AFP that special train services, which make pilgrims, who were reported earlier due to collecting in the city.

“My family was scared, so we are leaving,” said Sanjay Nishad told AFP.

Kumbi Mela is rooted in the Battle of Hindu Battle between the deities and demons for the control of the pitcher containing the necture of immortality.

The organizers simulated the scale of this year's festival to the temporary country, predicting up to 400 million pilgrims to visit the last day of February 26.

This year, the police posted hundreds of cameras and roads leading to the area, which were placed on the poles and surface drones.

The supervisory network is fed to a complex command and management center, which is designed to warn the staff if the crowd's sections are so focused that they are a security threat.

“If you see ads, it seems that the government provides world-class facilities,” said University student Ruchi Bhart away from the river bank.

“But this letter proved that everyone was a lie.”

More than 400 people died after in 1954. During one day of the festival, they violated or drowned in the Kamp Mela, one of the largest disaster disasters in the world. Another 36 people were Crushed to death in 2013The last time the festival was staged in prayer.

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