Canadians don't have to give up on the trip to 2026

The European Union (EU) has again postponed the implementation of the European Travel Information and Permit System (Etiaa).

The postponement is due to technical issues, according to the European Council.

The project is now scheduled to be deployed in the last quarter of 2026, a six-month grace period for travelers. The system was originally installed in 2021.

The changes will affect hundreds of thousands of Canadians who travel every year.

Etias will require excluded travelers of that visa, including Canadians, apply to the online visa before they arrive one of the 29th countries in Schengen.

The refusal will cost 7 euros or about $ 11 and will last three years. Canadians need to complete the form with their personal information and pay before traveling.

Before minutes, many will be processed, some could take up to 30 days.

The program will be exempted from the Canadians, who keep an EU passport or in the EU, will be restored.

Ireland will not participate and will continue to have its visa policy because it is part of a common travel area with Great Britain

Global Questions Canada say they are aware of the new schedule and the statement said that “Canadians are encouraged to visit our travel advice and consultations Web page For all recent information on entry and exit requirements. “

Canadian and international sign.
Canada has a similar program worth $ 5 for travels excluded by Visa. (Francis Ferland / CBC)

Canada has such a plan – e-travel permission – which costs users $ 5 and lasts five years. The United States also has visa waiver programs for many countries, but Canadians have no obligation to abandon.

However, they must be registered if they intend to stay in the US more than 30 days.

The EU also presents an upgraded entry and exit system, which will collect images and highways of face images, which participate in 30 European countries. This system is expected to start its rolling in October and will continue for more than six months. It includes non-EU members such as Switzerland and Norway, but do not include Ireland.

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