The NYC jury considers 2 culprits to kill Alinajad, Iranian journalist

The jury has sinned for all charges for two men An Iranian dissident stillineWho works as a journalist and lives in New York?

Rafat Amirov and Polad Omaroy, like a Russian crowd, will be condemned in September and are behind the bars behind decades. The accusations against them included a conspiracy of lease, firearms and money laundering.

“I am relieved that about three years later I killed the killings, but they would not be wrong, the real master of this crime is still being punished,” they will be punished.

“I'm bombarded with emotions right now. I have cried, I even danced.

How did the judgment come down?

The jury received the case before 1 PM and later sent a letter to testify, but he was taking lawsites for some time. Even the required material before the jury received another note, saying that they had been sentenced.

Prosecutors told lawyers to close arguments, Iranian government has laid $ 500,000 to the head of Alinejad, who lives in Brooklyn, silencing by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the kidnapping target.

The person who said he hired him was arrested in 2022 and testified during his trial.

Who is a massive touch?

Said Alinejad He left the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2009 After they took the passport and made him agree that he would not cover the election there. He moved to the United States and covered here.

Alereejad, who was an American voice investor, Tuesday took over the position And he asked that the regime has accused of this agreement.

He told the court:

In 2022 he was involved in two campaigns. Boycott of Iranian sports events and women call for women to remove their hijab.

He told the court: “My social media is like weapons.” He said that his accounts were placed on where he posted videos, who were sent from Iran to walk and was harassed by the morality of morality.

In the same year, prosecutors say that the Iranian government was plot to kill him.

The man who took over the government's lawsuit and testimony for the government said he was in the Russian crowd and was hired to kill Alinejad. He took photos and videos inside his house and arrested nearby to cross the stop sign. AK-47 was on its backA number

Alinejad described seeing that one day it's on the phone out of her home for a day.

“I saw the big boy,” he said. “He was a giant.”

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