Why do we celebrate St. Patrick's Day? This is what the holiday is about

Whereas Holy Patrick's Day Celebrations often produce “Kiss Me, I'm Irish Irish” T-shirts.

Here is a look at who was the sponsor of Ireland and why he celebrated every year.

When did we start celebrating St. Patrick's Day?

Revelry's first historical record St. Patrick From the 7th century, Sara Vaidler, the coach of Irish Language, Literature and Culture, and CBS, told CBS News. However, he said that people probably started honoring him before.

In medieval times, the texts show that people not only thought that St. Patrick was holy, but he died a part of the final judgment of the Irish when they died. Over the years, Patrick has been “strongly recognized” with Ireland and became one of his three sponsors of saints, St. Brigid and St. Colomba, said Vaidles.

In the post is the first parade of St. Patrick's Day Holy August, FloridaIn 1601, historians say. No, because some are supposed to be on the island of emerald.

“The parade is the embrace of the Irish Diaspora,” said Elizabeth Stayan, Executive Director of Ireland's Historical Society in New York. Especially, he said that in times, when the Catholics arose.

Through the parade, the Irish community says: “Yes, we are proud of our heritage and our roots,” he said, “he said a very lively part of modern city or modern America.”

He is also a gentle reminder, he said that “there are many of us, and if we choose to vote as a block, we can use a lot of force.”

1907-art carpet.

The photo of St. Patrick's Day of St. Patrick in New York, which provided Elizabeth Park, “Executive Director Irish Historical Society”.

Elizabeth Last, Executive Director of the Irish historical society of the American

According to US CensusIn 2021, Ireland's ancestor demanded 31.5 million Americans or 9.5% of the population. In 2023, the population of Ireland was 5.3 million. “There is more than us left us, they stayed there,” Spak said.

Who was St. Patrick?

It can be a surprise for some, but St. Patrick was not really Irish. “Ireland Sponsor The Holy One is actually Welsy,” said Kian T. McMahon.

“In the previous days there were England, Scotland and Wales,” he said. Thus, Patrick was born now in Wales, but then Roman Britain was.

Many things about what historians know about St. Patrick are two of his writing, which is considered successful since it is so long ago. The two pieces were probably written in the 5th century, but Patrick did not date them or gives them a very historical context. Thus, historians are not sure when he lived.

However, according to these Scriptures, Patrick said he was captured when he was 16 by Romanian slaves, where he was in the words of McMahon, “Goal.” Catholic

The Slavs took Patrick to Ireland, where he said he worked as a shepherd. This difficulty helped him to reiterate his faith, and six years later he fled to Britain, attributing his release to God's affairs. After escaping, he had been teaching for many years to become a bishop, according to his Scriptures.

Waidler said it was difficult to say that Patrick was really recognized as a bishop, as there are no other historical texts that support this requirement.

After he was a bishop, Patrick said that he heard the Irish fisherman's voice to the vision, which he recalled him to the Celtic pagan pagan people of Ireland.

St. Patrick died on March 17, as he was recognized by the Church. Waidler said it's hard to know the exact year.


St. Patrick's carved illustration to transform the Irish to the 5th century in the 5th century.

Mikroman6 / Getty Images:

The history of Patric, many later writers note that it is very similar to Moses from the Bible.

After being abducted in slavery, he could take revenge or looked at those who put him in slavery, said the palace. But he decided to forgive the Irish instead.

In doing so, he said that “Ireland changed forever, turning the Gentile earth into intensive Catholic.” The “beautiful message” of St. Patrick's “tolerance” becomes more and more relevant, “said the stake.

In modern times, many know about legends that St. Patrick is released from Ireland of Snakes, and that he taught the idea of ​​the Holy Trinity using Shamrock.

According to Waidler, the stories reserving the deportation of poisonous creatures or reptiles have started in the 12th century. However, some writers are later evicted of snakes as metaphor paganism. “This is a story that continues to be repeated after the 12th century, as it appears in the early images of the saint,” he said.

“Shamrocks is more difficult to follow,” said Vailler. The term Shamrock first appears in 1571, but it was first attributed to St. Patrick in 1726. In the victim of the native plants of Ireland. “Shamrox, by the way”

The day of St. Patrick was also connected with the color blue. However, as other countries began to celebrate it in more modern times, the green contacted the day, as Irish Americans attribute Green to “Everything in Ireland.”

Where is the day of St. Patrick celebrated?

“The better question is where it is mentioned,” McMahon said.

He noted that the mass migration defined Irish life in the early 1700s. “Wherever the Irish ended with the settlement, they use the day of St. Patrick as a way to make them at home.”

“We can be anywhere in the Irish world,” he said.

The Irish emigrated to “every corner of the world,” said Stack. Dubai, Singapore, Australia, the United States and more are the holy.

Chicago-River-Patrick Day

People were watching the Chicago River, painted green, from St. Patrick's day, Illinois Chicago, Chicago.

SCOTT OLSON / Getty Images:

“The Irish greeted the day of the Holy Patrick of Irish people,” McMahon explained.

Even Anglican Christian George Washington was a member of the Filadelphia's Holy Patrick's friendly sons. The shareman, Macamah, said.

The leaders of Ireland also tend to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in other countries, McMahon said. This, he explained that because the government realizes that the day will be the opportunity to revive with friends and allies around the world.

The Prime Minister of Ireland or Thai, Micheál MartinHe visited the White House on March 12, to celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year.

Agreeable Irish website“Our Diaspora promotes goodwill. This causes economic development. It cherishes and shows our diverse and dynamic culture. “

So, the general expression “Everybody's St. Patrick's Day” can have a certain truth.

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