Tal filming, the first Israelis was imprisoned after the attacks led by Hamas, led by mandatory conscription.
On December 26, 2023, the Ministry of Justice arrived in a imitation The center was held in Central Tel Aviv and publicly announced that it refuses to serve with Israel's defense forces (IDF).
“I had a choice. In order to be a part of this force, which is currently killing our neighbors, it kills people's loved ones, or I had the choice to refuse, “he said.
He was arrested in a 30-day sentence of 30 days, and Refuseniks received the maximum penalty of Refuseniks according to Israeli law.
In July, the 19-year-old nursing home exempted from the Israeli prison, which is medical basis, is located at the crossroads with an ENAT Gerlitz, a serviceman of Northern Soldiers. Regardless of the tour of the local heads of the Jewish voice, a group of lawyers is driven cities from Quebec to British Colombia throughout March.
On October 7, 2023, the attacks led by Hamas were killed by about 1,200 Israelites, while many people considered the worst daily massacre of the Jews by the Holocaust. The attack stimulated the invasion of Israel's Gaza, which killed more than 48,500 Palestinians in the area, according to local health authorities.
Some young Israelis feel that there would be more a pacifist approach to both Israelis and the Palestinians.
The small but growing number of Israelis refuses to return to their military duty after mandatory conscription or tours GazaA number but few people publicly. Military duty is mandatory for majority and rejects of Israeli men and women, as well as a social and professional blow.
“Being the first public upgrades (since October 7) We didn't know what the troops would do with me,” said Milik. “I returned again and again, I received the maximum sentence every time I reached 185 days.”
In the statement of CBC News, IDF says that the mandatory conscription is defined in the country's security services, and the Armed Forces are “adhering to it and recruiting it.” The statement continues to say that “condemns denials.”
As for the filth, IDF said that the professional commission decided that the “conscientious reasons for his demands” were drafted. After he “strongly” refused, he was sentenced to prison, IDF said.
Mattan Helman is the CEO of Repuser Solidarity Network, a organization that supports those who refuse their sentences and provide information on their stories online. He said he publicly refuses to consequently. But he encourages practice to help spread the word that is an option for Israeli conscripts, including those who condemn the scale of violence in Gaza and feel that the only way to return to Israeli hostages is through transaction through the deal.
“We have to look like the iceberg, there are those who refuse to be publicly at the top of the ice, which is above the water, and grows up underwater.”
Although RSN has no accurate figures, the ring said that there are thousands, and the numbers grow from October 7, “especially with reserve soldiers.”
On the day of his rejection, the videos and paintings of the filming were flooded in the social media. The protest rally saw that people chanted and pave the signs with him.
“It was strange that the complaint focused around me, I am not really used to focus on me,” he said. The young woman said she was leaving the spotlight and admits her “slightly uncomfortable.”
But he said that the moment was turning into his life as an activist. This is when he met many of his current friends, supporters and people who help him during prison and beyond travel.
“I am very blessed to find these activist scope of people who have the same opinions as much to me and support me,” he said.
MANITOBA MANITORY MONTHS23:05Why did the two young Israeli refuse their compulsory military service?
21-year-old Erat Gerlitz and 19-year-old Talik refused to serve in the Israeli army, and as a result they were sent to a military prison. They are in Vinpegea as their cross-Canadian “Refusenik Tour” hosted by Canada, regardless of Jewish voices.
He said that his time in prison was turned into his ability to survive. His prisoners did not know why he was wicked, and he was careful to share his political opinions.
After all, he began to recognize him by prison, adding that “the boy is a social media videos.”
Noghanik is self-proclaimed to his father, who was inspired by his father, a journalist who said that he told Palestinian stories on the Occupied West Bank of Israel.
“Politics has always been something we talked about in the house,” he said. “And it was very present at the fact that something changed.”
As for the next one, unclean requires a moment to formulate his thoughts, as if he feels the weight of his conscience.
HotspentInshallah, ” He says: “Using the Arabic term” which wants. “The walls will fall, and everyone will live in peace and freedom.”
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