The threat of Tornadoes is moved to the south after a large storm, wind and fans fires

The threat of tornadoes moved to the east after Mississippi's valley and a day after the Mass System, which was moved through the country, the unleashed winds in several central places.

Multiple tornadoes were reported in Missouri in Missouri, only in extreme weather, which were predicted on the area to more than 100 million people. Under 130 km / h windy winds were predicted from the Canadian border to Texas, threatening Blizard's conditions in cold northern areas and warmer, dried areas south.

People stand in front of a house damaged by Tornado with trash and debris scattered roof
Residents check Tornado on Friday, Friday, Missouri. (LAWRENCE BRYANT / REUTERS)

Three people were killed on Friday during car accidents at the Amarilo District of Texas Monastery, according to SGT. State Public Security Department Syum Bable. One heap involved about 38 cars.

“It's the worst I've ever seen,” Barley said, calling her nil visibility. “We couldn't say that they are all together until dust settled.”

In some Oklahoma communities, disservations were ordered, as more than 130 fires were reported during the state. State patrol noted that the winds were so strong that they failed several tractors.

“This is terrible here,” said the driver of the 40th truck trucks along the 40th interstate 40 interstate interstate 40. “There is a lot of sand and dirt in the air. I don't push it over 55 miles / hours. I'm afraid I'll hit if I do. “

A man stacks his meadows while firing fire on the background
Cody McIntire sprays the water with a fire on fire in front of his friend's house in the wild fire flare in Okla. (Nick Oxford / Reuters)

Forecasters say that the strong threat of storm will continue on weekends, tornadoes and harmful winds, Mississippi and Alabama. Heavy rain could bring flood flood on Sunday some sections of the east coast.

According to experts, it is unusual to see such weather extremes in March.

“Its great size and intensity about this one,” said the bill of the National Weather Prediction Center in Norman, Okla.

Tornadoes, large hail

The weather service said that at least five tornadoes were reported in Missouri on Friday, including St. Louis. Several buildings were damaged in the storm, including in the center of the tape, where Tornado Friday afternoon took place.

The Hurricane Prediction Center says that fast moving storms can rotate roundabouts and hail, like baseball, but the greatest threat will come straight or exceeding storm force.

“Potential violent” tornadoes were expected on Saturday, deep in the central coast of the world, in the Tennessee Valley, according to the national weather service.

The Storm Forecast Center noted that the parts of Mississippi, including Jackson and Hatethsburg and Alabama, including Birmingham and Toscaloosa. Brutal storms and tornadoes were also possible in Eastern Louisiana, Western Georgia, Central Tennessee and the Western Florida.

Fires in dry, rough conditions

In the southern plains, fires have threatened to spread rapidly, dry weather, strong winds and strong winds on Friday for some communities in Texas, Oklahoma, Misuri and New Mexico.

In the north-west of Texas, the north-east of Texas, more than two square kilometers, 85 square kilometers.

About 90 km south, another fire has grown about 10 square kilometers before its progress has been stopped in the afternoon.

Trees are on fire in woodland
The fire burns trees in the flare of a wild fire in Okla. (Nick Oxford / Reuters)

The Oklahoma Emergency Board has intensified its emergency operations center due to several fast-moving fires, which prompted Lyde's evacuations in the western part of the state and in the rural area of ​​the Norman.

Firefighters have been designed in certain areas that help authorities jump on the flames, said Andy James, Oklahoma Forest Services. Firefighting planes also deployed in some parts of Oklahoma and Texas, but were generally unable to fly due to smoke and dust.

Friday evening, the National Weather Service says that the “Complex of extremely dangerous fires” was located north-east of Oklahoma, who was in the city and urged to evacuate. Officials have given compulsory evacuation through social media, which included houses, hotels and Walmart.

Officials urged people to evacuate some regions of the Central Missouri Camden, and warned the public highway through social media that they approached houses and businesses.

Approximately 190 kilometers of 70 kilometers of Western Kansas have been temporarily closed due to dusting and limited visibility of dust.

The high winds also put into force on more than 216,000 houses and businesses in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri.

Blizzard warnings in northern plains

The US National Weather Service has issued BLIZARD warnings for the distant Western Minnesota and the parts of the south-eastern Dakota, starting at the beginning of the week. The accumulations of 7.6 to 15.2 in centimeters were expected, up to 30 centimeters possible.

It is expected that the winds of 97 km / hors expect to give white conditions.

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