Pakistani official says the cessation of train kidnapping has been completed, as a result of which 30 security forces and 30 terrorists were killed

Queta, Pakistan – On Wednesday, Pakistan's security forces were able to release most of the hostages who went to the train, who kidnapped the country's far-southwest in the country, officials reported. At least 30 of the militants were killed, except for 21 train security staff, a security officer in Quetha told CBS News' Sami Youusafzai.

Earlier, the authorities said that in 190 out of about 450 passengers, who first were on the train, were saved and transported to security. Tuesday over 100 other passengers left the train. Although 21 security forces killed in the train, the Quethy official said that no civilians had been killed in attack.

Visitors with explosives, the militants, were later circulated after the remaining 250s or so many hostages on the train, which took place on Tuesday, the district of Bolchistan.

The liberation army of the United States and Pakistan, the US and Pakistani terrorist organization, has been responsible for attacking for years. The press spokesman's Balo said earlier that the group is ready to release free passengers if the authorities agree to release the imprisoned militants.

The paramedics treated the injured passenger at the car railway station, which was turned into a shelter hospital, after Pakistan's security forces released about 80 passengers in a remote mountain area, 2025.

Banaras Khan / AFP / Getty

The authorities said on Wednesday that they had included women and children. In Quethe, the security officer told CBS News that terrorists could obtain safety officers outside the train, gaining information that such forces traveled to such forces.

According to the earlier presidents, the train was partly inside the tunnel, when the militants exploded traces and nine coaches. The driver was critically injured in a gunshot wound, and the guard under the train attacked, although officials did not give details for the guard or their destiny.

In the quiet regional capital, the security guard told CBS News that Kosafzayi was previously divided into small groups and used them as human shields. The Blanc warned that the life of the hostages would be endangered if the government had no talks on the release of prisoners.

Locals report that dozens of coffins are being transported by another train, raising fears of mass victims.

One passenger Muhammad Bashir said with local media that the militants attacked the train and ordered their families to leave. When he was with his family, Bashir said:

The passengers who made it from the train were sent to their homeland, while the injured were treated in the Balochistan's machine hospitals. Others have moved to Quiet, a large city, about 60 miles away.

The train was traveling from quiet to North Peshawar when attack took place.

Hotspot to rebel

Government spokesman Shahid Rind said that the helicopters buckle in the rough region and described the attack as “terrorism.” This is the first time that Bla has kidnapped the train.

In the past, the government has rejected the requirements of the exchange of militant prisoners.

Iran and Afghanistan bordering Balokhistan has long been a hotspot against the leadership of all three countries, militants who demand greater autonomy and a greater part of the region's natural resources.

However, the main rebellions are focused on Pakistan and Iran. The Government of each country doubts the others or at least tolerance. Part of the groups operating on the other side of the respective boundaries.

In Iran, John Al-Adl has launched numerous attacks in recent years. Tehran has asked Pakistan, a diligent threats from Pakistan, and Pakistan also wants Tehran denies the apparatus to Bla Fighters. In January 2024, the two peoples were dealing with rebels inside each other, killing at least 11 people, but later they quickly recognized the situation through negotiations.

March 12, 202555 On March 12, a military station in the Sibi district of the south-western state of South Crash was on the guard of the supervisor, which removed the passenger train.

Banaras Khan / AFP / Getty

The train in Balochistan, as a rule, has security guards on the plane, as members of the Armed Forces often use them to travel to other parts of the country from quiet. The attacks attacked the trains in the past, but they have never been able to kidnap one.

In November, Bla committed suicide at a quiet railway station killed 26 people.

Pakistani authorities and analysts estimate that the Blanc has about 3,000 fighters.

Analysts said that the train attack, threatening so many civilians, could be blossed for Bla.

“After the Pakistani army was not damaged by the Pakistani army, Blank turned his targets from the armed forces to naked civilians.

The largest oil and mineral is the largest population of Pakistan, but least populated region. It is a knot for the Ethnic Balo Minority of the country, the members of which say that they face discrimination and operation by the central government.

The Blanc regularly targets Pakistan's security forces, but in the past, he also attacked the attacking civilians, including Chinese citizens working in the China-Pakistan economic corridor or CPEC.

Pakistan is hosting thousands of Chinese workers as a multi-million-dollar zone of Beijing and a road initiative, which builds the main infrastructure projects, including ports and airports in Balochistan.

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