Larry Kudlow: 'Russia, Russia, Russia', but in the economy

Probably not a great surprise they do everything they can do to take a negative picture of Liberal Left Basic Media Media President Donald Trumps Economic policies.

Now, for many years we are accustomed to political media after Trump and with mistakes and wrong results.

But now fake news spread to the economic and working media. And this is really unfortunate.

Prestigious economists and economic journalists support the Tariffs as a stick to beat the tariffs as a stick.

Is like 'Russia, Russia, Russia' narrative Now comes to economic coverage. And remember that 'Russia Russia' actually turned out to be a great trick.

Well, now 'decline, decline, decay' – another trick.

Tariffs will cause a recession. Tariffs will cause inflation. Tariffs are reduced to the stock exchange.

This is my reading of 'Russia, Russia, Russia'.

All people need a filter to pass these madness.

First there is no recession.

In fact, Breitbart's John Carney pointing that the labor market is really stronger than they think of economists and Factory work is back. The January Jolts report shows 30,000 new production workstations and 30,000 new production rentals. The speed of the doors has increased. S & P Global Production PMI has hit the best level since June 2022. February employment report was firm.

Some typically prestigious economists predict a bulge February CPI Report because of the tariffs. However, tariffs have not yet begun. And the report itself was lighter than expected, was lighter with the lowest number within a few months.

Corporate profit, the monster of the mother's shares and the economy is still rising.

Bond productivity and mortgage prices are in fact. That is, oil prices.

Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin “People are too much to destroy policies,” and do not see an inevitable slowdown in the US economy.

Let's quote my old friend. “I don't think we will be a recession. I do not think that the outlook we will be able to be in a decline” Said another network.

I think he is completely right.

Short-term stock adjustments come and go. But Trump policies are a deep growth.

He intends to contribute to the economy – tax reduction, regulation, energy production and a Mutual trade policy.

When he is in full place, there is a strong potential of 3% growth or better, along with inflation.

And when it comes to tariffs, let's step back and see how this story comes out in twelve months.

It may be good that Mr. Trump, who conducted great negotiations, will be filled with a decrease in tariffs than an increase.

And anyway, its work and personal tax reduction is more important for our sincere, economic future.

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