Quebec Judge Rules 2 must apply for US extradition in the death of the human smuggling river

The judge of the high-quality judge of Quebec decided two people from Aquesses to apply to the United States, where they face accusations of human smugs, which ended on March 29, 2003, nine crowded deaths.

Grigor Moore of Justice noted that the Federal Crown presented sufficient evidence to meet the standard of low evidence for this phase of the intracuular process.

“This is a very limited role and it is intended to only decide whether there is a prima facie case, whether a crime has been committed,” said Moore.

“The extradition judge has not heard a trial, and before the judge's process, it is expedient to be expedient, (decision) only after a test must be held.”

The Federal Minister of Justice will make a final determination on extradition.

Stefani Square and Rahsontanosta Delunien are both backing the United States in connection with the northern city of New York, the drowning death of four families and four children.

Although the alleged roles of square and rumble in the tragedy are very different, their deeds were heard during this stage of the extradition process.

A woman's photo.
Stefani Square is facing the United States with the indictment of nine calculations due to the smuggling of a person who died in the St. Lawrence River in the Romanian family, March 2023, 2023. (Judicial file)

Romanian citizens Florian Iordachen, Christina Iirdren and two Canadian children, Evlin, 2 and Eveyen, 16 months, when they were drowned on March 29, when they sailed the ship on the Shore of St. Lawrence River.

They shared the ship with four families from India, Father Daksaben Chaudhari, Mother Daksaben Chaudharw and two adult children, son Merkum and his daughter. The ship launched on the Cornual island left for the southern shores of St. Lawings, but never did it.

The bodies of the two families dragged from the river between March 30 to 31.

The body of Aquessas, a resident of Aquesas, was found in July, which was located on the boat.

Akwessee is a Haudenensaunee community distributed to Canada-US border. It sits about 120 km west of Montreal and its territory, which is divided between Ontario, Quebec and New York.

The Chavthari's family on visas in Canada paid $ 100,000, and Iordaches, which is located in front of the deportation, paying about $ 15,000 to the human smuggling network, which was presumably led by a montreal man named Montreal Rasia. Two families wanted to enter the US

RCMP accused Rasia, which is detained on June 20, 2024 on many accusations of human smuggers.

The case is going to the minister

This case now runs to the Federal Justice Minister to determine whether they should be handed over to the US Square, and the decree has 30 days for temporary release and appeal. They can also represent the minister.

The decision of the Minister's extradition may be challenged in the Court of Appeals and in the Supreme Court of Canada.

Montreal Lawyer Joel Girard said that they turned to the Federal Justice Minister directly through the letter that he should reject the passage. Girard's questions, are the United States authorized to prosecute the death on the river?

“The alleged crime in Canada must be prosecuted in Canada,” said Girard.

A young child holds.
Rahsontanohstha Delormier holds his newborn son. Delorier turns to the United States after the extradition when he was found that he was scattered on the island near the hypothermia. (Delommier Fioment)

Delormier's Montreal Lawyer Antonio Kabral has said he planned to apply for temporary release delmanu. Cabral said he also plans to appeal the Moore's decision and asked for Gladue Degurant Delormier. Girard noted that he will also try to send the main report to the Minister.

Gladue Liscess mostly like the reports of pre-election sentences that include the historical impact of removal and coloniality on the lives of native offenders. However, there is a law on the use of Gladue reports in the extradition process.

Cabal said that it was planned to fight Delorier's extradition “with all my might and energy”.

It publishes the indictment, including alien smuggling, conspiracy for foreign smuggling for foreign smuggling for death for death for Romanian-Canadian families.

Delormier encounters five calculations, including conspiracy to foreigners, foreign smuggling and excretibility profit.

Most of the US troops against Delun and the Square are based on the evidence collected by the Canadian authorities, according to the public access. The square was the alleged organizer of the launch, which supposed to hire Casey rings, two families across the river.

During the day of March 30, Delommier was found on the island on the hypothermic threshold. The extradition file claims that he was a pilot that was square that was broken on the road to Cornual, where families were waiting for smuggling.

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