Can employees teach poker skills that help businesses thrive?

London – Poker's high stake game enters his journey in the workplace, thanks to one passionate card player, to help work workers to help workers.

When it comes to Poker, John Living knows its way around the table. He grew up with cards because his parents were bridges. He said to CBS News, he could avoid the top five. But he never took his hand to play poker until he was in his 30s, and he never fell in love with a Morocco trip about 10 years ago.

“I was pregnant and sat in the Moroccan Casino in the morning, and I would really try to beat 200 men my first international poker tournament,” he said. In Africa, his great victory gave him a great idea.

Living began to host home games and often taught men's predominant game to his wife friends and said he was “quickly seen that he grows with confidence, closing customer's transactions and the advance of landing.”

Shake a few years ago and living his company is high. He drives poker seminars throughout the United Kingdom, which aims to protect employees, and especially women to raise their game in a wide range of business.

“People think it's about bluff and courage, but in reality it is a lot of women's skills,” he said. “It's so much skills from poker table which are transferred to the board table, negotiating, communicating with a deep hearing. “

Aces High Jo Living (RIGHT) Poker Trane gives Poker Manual to Stone Media Office in London.

CBS News:

Your media was one of the last companies that Aces High Makeover got, the poker tables rolled in his London office for complete bets.

“I mean that it feels good, I wouldn't mind having a poker's table more often,” said the company's executive director David Muard.

Mynard said she was all if it would help her employees play their best hand at work.

“I really like the idea of ​​taking the poker's game and thinking about how we can translate it, how we can learn about us and we will present our communication skills and read other people.

More than a dozen employees sat around the poker tables, some, others, others, because their livelihood took them through decision-making and revaluation.

Head Dealer Jimin Sotimi, who is engaged in the world of poker, says he loves to raise the game at work.

“I have received the best place in the house, I never lose,” he jokes.

There is no danger in the high events of Aces. The chips are made of chocolate. Living says everything is about to bet on you … No matter what kind of handmade you have.

He wants to authorize his ACES high workshops in the UK and eventually in the USA

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