“Hands will not come back”: Yubank Junior warned Nigel Ben after the throat occupied, trigging Connor

Chris Yubank Jr. Ben Ben's 61 -year -old father, warned Nigel BenIf he touches him again at Thursday's press conference, he will not bring his hand back. Connor trigger, Yubank responded to his father's subtle threat to his father, and his composer never returned for the rest of the press conference.

Former bilateral world champion Nigel Yubank Jr. was put to the neck of Jr. during the egg quarrel on Tuesday. Yubank Jr. (1-3, 20KO) did not respond violently when Nigel caught him because of what happened. However, he said today that Nigel does so again, his hand will not come back.

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Yubank Jr. and Ben (23-5, 3KO) are campaigning on April 26 at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, England. The event will be shown directly to dozens of PPV.

Nigel Ben: “I've got my hand around your neck around.”

Chris Yubank Jr.: “I understand, but you put your hand on my neck. I'm going to give you a pass, tell me what happened. But I let you know, if you ever touched me again, you won't get it back. “

Connor Ben: “Close your f **** mouth.”

Yubank Jr.: “I'm not threatening him.”

Nigel: “Conor, let me explain. I'm old school. This is not a problem. I understand and I'm apologizing for doing this, mate. I'm really sorry that I did it. You put your hand on my son. “

Conor: “Close your mouth. Your dad doesn't like you just acknowledge it. “

Yubank Junior: “I'm here and I'm ready to go. Look at your team, void.”

Nigel: “You know what it is? He mock the bear. Know what's going to happen. Listen to me It doesn't go into four rounds. “

Yubank Junior: “Okay, I have got it.”

Nigel: “No, you're about to be done.

Connor: “Yubank, I can't wait to break your head on 26th. I was your voice enough to be enough. Just off your mouth. On 26th April, you are breaking your head” “

Yubank Junior: “I can't wait, friend. I can't wait.”

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Last updated on 02/27/2025

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