Egypt announces first discovery of the royal grave because the king of Tutankami was more than a century ago

On Tuesday, Egyptian officials announced the tomb of King the second King of the Old Egyptian dynasty, which reigned more than two centuries, BC. Between 1592. It is the first royal Egyptian grave, which should be discovered by the last resort of King King in 1922.

The tunic of Tutmos II found a well-known sepulcher of Tutmos II and the famous Valley of Kings. The statement of the team and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiens noted that there was evidence that clearly notes that it was the tomb of Tutmus II only known as a grave.

The entry and main transition of the structure was discovered in 2022, and then the internal excavations continued thoroughly.

Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Secretary General of the Supreme Republic of Egypt, found the mission for the first time almost three years ago, the team thought that it could belong to one of the women of the kings, taking into account the grave of women of King Tutmos. In the neighborhood of the grave Queen Hatshepsut:which was prepared for him as a royal woman before he became an ancient Kingdom manager. He ended over the rise of the throne in the king's valley.

As excavations and examination of artifacts, the mission found new evidence that the mysterious grave owner recognized as Takmos II also offered his wife and half sister.

Khaled said that the parts of the Alabaster vessels found in troubles have the name of the second King of Tutmus and identifying him as the “late King” as the owner of his wife Hatshepsut as the owner.

He described the discovery one of the most important archeological finds in recent years. The discovered artifacts are important additions to the King of the King of King Tutmos.

Tummos Timeos, who led the eight-egypt dynasty, was seen in the photo of the File provided by the National Egyptian Museum in Egypt's National Museum of Civilization.

The politeness of the Egyptian National Museum of Civilization

During the 19th century, a 19th-century pin, another archeological site, known as Deir EL-Bahari Cachette, is likely to be moved to centuries, according to graves attackers. A relatively new National Museum Egypt's civilization. His mama is now displayed among other oldest oldest royals in the museum.

The grave is in poor storage, mainly under the influence of the flood, Mohamed Abdel Badi reported that preliminary studies show most of the original content of the grave. other place.

He said that the teams found a mortar for the remains of blue protocols and yellow stars and the most important books found in the ancient Egyptian tombs through their underwater journey.

King-Tatmos- II-Tomb.jpg
2025 by the Ministry of Tourism and Ancient Egypt On February 18, the show show shows the inside of the grave found in the west of the Mountain of the saddle, and the famous Valley of the kings was decided to belong to Tutmus, who ruled in the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Ancient

Dr. Pierre Lranutches, the head of the English team, says the grave is characterized by the ones who have selected by the sequence of the sequence of Tutmus II.

Litherland noted that the mission will continue to work and try to decide where the remaining content of Tutmos II was moved and discovered other secrets that could be closed under the earth.

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