Luis Decubas SR, director of David Morlel Jr., said that during the final press conference, David Benavidage's Meltdown was a signal today that he now realized that he would be scattered on Saturday night, and he started reading around him mentally before the first Shells.
Decubas reported that Benavidage (23-5, 20KO) showed the world “fear” today during a press conference with his unstable behavior. He says that “Buli” Benavidez is no longer the same warrior that he is greater than that, more powerful and highly technical skills.
“Now, he finally realized, 'I'll be scattered,'” “Luis Decubas told the senior Fight the Hub TVOn Saturday night, David Benavidage was anxious and upset during today's final press conference to fight David Maralel.
“You saw Maral laughing there, cooling as a cucumber, and he (Benavidage) scared the whole world, how scared he was. He looked at me. I'm not a warrior. This time the bully does not work. The 'Monster' man ended on Saturday night, “Decubas also said.
“Andd was a 154-Pounder when he was good. Lamiax was a 154-Pounder when he was good. Kiron Davis was a 160 pounder. Anthony Direll was the 160-Pounder and the Caleb Plant in the world's 168-Pound champions during his best days. Each of the people he fought was a small man in weight. His father (Jose Benavdez SR) is good in match -making, trying to protect his son. I am not blaming him, but this time he made the mistake, “Decubas said that Benavidage's past opponents were short.
Decuba examples mentioned on Benavidage feeding on older, young fighters are the tip of Iceberg. 99% of his career wins the short over-heel fighters. Last June, he did not face a small man before he did not fight Olexandar Goosdick, but he was washed away at the age of 37 and retired four years. It was not a major governance that Adonis Stevenson or Arto's Betterwiwi was spotted.
Decubas said “He is fighting a boy (Morel) that is bigger than him and has four inches to him,” said Decubus. “He is a separate animal, baby. He is going to find out when he will be scattered on Saturday night. I have to be on a card and Felicano. They actually look like they are going to a party. They are happy, going to Las Vegas. These guys don't know fear. “
Morale is about to be mentally and perhaps physically destroyed by Morale. I am simply wondering how he's going to deal with it. However, the excuse that Benavidez made for his unusual performance against Gozdec last year was probably he would probably try to describe the truth to the fans and himself. When a person is a hellishist, as Benavidage appears, the disasters do not disturb them because they always have some excuses that they cook to understand what happened to them.
“When you grow up in a communist system, they must fight for everyone who put you in front of you,” said Decubas about Morle. “You have five fights to be the best and you do not have the food that he (Benavidage) was. You don't have the simple life you had. These guys fight. There is no fear with these boys. They are the murderers born. They've been doing this since they have a baby “” “
Cuba fighters are completely different from other parts of the world. Nothing doesn't think of them, and they are always so cool. This is not just anything taught to them. It is just built from birth. They are physically designed to manage stress. If you have seen today's press conference, Maral looks like he was at a party. He was very happy. In contrast, Benavidez was bitter and it looked like he had already lost.
“He talks about spreading to Golvkin,” Diqubas is constantly talking about Benavidage that he was constantly talking about how he spoke to Zenidian Golvkin as a teenager. “He had no amateur fight. When he was talking to Golvkin and he was talking to other boys, they were making it easy for him. You had a little kid. Sparring does not mean S ***. “
Yes, it is strange that Benavidage often spread his past with Golvkin, as it acts as an honor badge. When Golvkin made it easy for a fat teenager because they were not going to blubbing his sparring partner to help the person who was there.
“He kept talking on me. He didn't even let me talk, and that's why I was upset. I have never seen a person who is so scared. I have never seen such a nervous man, “said Decubas.
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