Several government officials demand that Americans protect their pension plans by opening ESG investments

EXCLUSIVE: About two state financial officers call to lead the federal financial regulators openly and create new rules for ESG-based investment.

ESG stands for “Environment, Social and Management” and can seriously confront a fiduciary in terms of investment. Officials aim to protect the passive pension plans from Americans through these measures.

State Treasury and Auditors from Alaska, Auditors, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Labor (DOL) and Lay-Nabi Administration (DOL), a pension plan after a suit of a pilot.

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“Therefore, we require SEC and DOL and are taking decisive measures to protect the laws of fiduciary and protect their retirement plans from activist corrosion.”

“Specially calling on your institutions to give a comprehensive leadership … Rulemaxy launcher … (and) start control and execution of the Rules of Fiduciary.”

Wall Street

A wall street mark in front of an American flag (Reuters / Mike Segar / Reuters Pictures)

On January 15, the Federal Judge Red O'Connor, the Bush decided to have the pilot allegedly allegedly in favor of the employer, which said that investment managers did not control the proxy voting, including Broncralk.

Airline itself ESG goals According to the Chronicle by ESG Dive, some investment companies from some investment companies are contradictory.

The government officials asked SEC and DO that SEC and DO will not only adapt the duties of the fiduciiaries to the material interests and the power of the power of the voting as a waste reduction.

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Among the great active managers, the political and social agenda of hardworking Americans will prioritize the financial security of the Americans.

Such “Mixed Motives” – If a pension plan manager considers ESG above or the highest income rate of the beneficiary, the authorities cannot be legally or ethically tolered.

Investment by the Investment Manager by the firm “An error is likely to be likely to be probable” in this way.

In American Airlines The court found that the court often reduced ESG investments in about 10% of traditional investments.

Blackrock, “In the main energy companies of fossil gas production, also promised to support more shareholders on climate change. ”

However, the investments in the Pension Plan of the MEGA, no political or social bent funds are limited, but in most cases, in most cases, the stocks of individual companies that accept ESG principles in their work model.

AA spokesman confirmed that ESG Dive has been limited to passive index funds of the role of the BlackRock and the company's best practices are aimed at control of proxy voting.

State Financial Officers Foundation OJ Oj Osekka, who signed the letter, said the active leaders and managers who signed the letter “the best for the best for everyday Americans,” he said.

“The final court decision of the American Airlines is a clear example of the risks of prioritizing the financial revenues of ESG and DEI,” he said Oleka Fox News Digital.

“Fiducuiaries have a duty to focus on the material well-being of serving and when it is not, the beneficiary and potentially illegal.”

The federal government has expressed hope that the federal government will take steps to the government to provide financial benefits over the “distraction” violating the financial security of these companies.

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In response to the remembrance of a letter in the letter, a dark representative Fox News digitalize that the investment giant always decides with investor gains.

“We are always independent and we are moving in the best financial interests of our customers,” the press secretary said.

“Our only agenda increases returns for our customers and matches their choices.”

A source familiar with the issues raised by sfof It was allegedly solved.

The province of Tennessee has recently resolved the ESG work against Blackrock, and the company also set off to Wall Street Alashy, aimed at “Net Zero” emissions.

Executive director of a well-being and a reliable pension alliance, Jeff Eller, Fox News Digital, previous airlines that previous airlines were “legal equivalent of elegant science”.

“This is full of inaccuracy and conflicting claims. It is probably a matter of time before the appeal becomes a complaint. These millions of Americans will protect their retirement plans.”

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