Unified Super Middlewaite champion Canllo Alvarez will fight for a stable fight against Christian Embobili or IBF Champ William School in May to help them be ready for September.
AD Rainooso @Boxzteca 7 told Canelo's long-term trainer/director that scal (23-5, 5k) and Embbili (25-5, 25 KO) were selected for May.
Alvarez will be even more difficult to oppose due to its strength, high work rate and nonstop aggression. He will be like a smaller, more compact version of David Benavidage and he will attack the Canllo Nonstop.
Fighting Alexei will be the ultimate nightmare for Alexez, but it will be a fun, competitive struggle to see when it is settled. You could not deny a win for Embobili, and at the moment of Canllo's career it would not be a huge disaster. His stamina is very bad now, and he is looking at too much for his small 5'8 ″ frame.
None of these two fighters will attract too much interest from the followers of Canelo worldwide, but there is not much to choose from the 168. 34 -year -old canllo has now defeated all the attractive contestants that David Morrell and David Benavidage are no longer in the weight class.
On October 8, Vladimi's 12-round unanimous decision was questioned by the Cuban-born German Falcosensi Stadthle, on October 8. The scall did not show too much energy or talent in that fight and was lucky to have a win. Many boxing fans felt that the baby had to win.
Lack of skeletal bribery will have a problem if he fights on the canlo because he is very weak to compete. However, he has good skills and he may be able to steal later against Alvarez, such as Edgar Berlanga on September 7 in the last fight of the Mexican superstar.
In the first half, the fight was one -sided, Canllo completely dominated the inexperienced Berlanga. However, in the second half, Alvarez was badly faded, allowed to come to Barlanga and enjoy some success.
Canllo must be busy preparing for the title defense against the boxer/punch terrane Croford in September. It is essential for the canllo to be sharp because Craftdord is a high-level fighter with speed, counter-power and dynamics.
The funny thing is, Craft (1-5, 5K) will sit down to wait till September and choose to go out of the ring a year later. However, Crafford has been fighting once a year since 2020 and it does not affect him. He is not fighting against the anti-cuttings, and it clearly helped.
Crafford has fought a good warrior since 2021, Israel Madrimov, and it was very difficult to beat him last August. The 37 -year -old young man did not like Madrimov, which is not surprising because of his one -year trim and weak restriction in the last six years.
Some believe that the decision to sit down without a tuneup before September of Terns signals that he is earning cash against Canallo, using the fight as one 'Golden parachute'Retirement means CEOs are often given the time to leave companies.
It is bad for fans who will pay their strict earnings to see the Canllo-Craford difference Stupid Then, they thought they were shocked.
To avoid, Turkish al-Sheikh should be emphasized Prior to his gold handshake retirement against Crafford Alvarez, he proved himself against a top-flight super middleweight contestant.
If the Turkish told Craford it would be really hard that he must defeat one of these fighters to pay his salary against Canallo:
David Morle
David Benavidage
Janabaya alikhanuli
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